Caribbean Islands - Friday 28/10/2011
In partnership with Northamptonshire Libraries, as part of the One World, Many Cultures festival NBHA members Monica Babb and Peggie Price presented an introduction to music and culture of some of the Caribbean Islands.
An attentive audience at the Central Library, Abington Street, Northampton were entertained with stories, poems and music from the Caribbean.

Mary Seacole Wreath Laying Service - Saturday 7/5/2011
NBHA and Heritage Lives were pleased to announce another day trip celebrating the life and contribution of Mary Seacole, the Jamaican Doctress.
A coach took supporters from Northamptonshire to this annual event in London on Saturday 7 May 2011.
This year the Mary Seacole Memorial Association celebrated its 30 years anniversary and an even larger crowd than usual was expected.
The wreath-laying part of the event will take place first at St Mary’s Catholic Cemetery, Harrow Road, London. The church service, followed by food and entertainment, was held at nearby St Marks Church and Hall.

Caribbean History Course - Thursday 5/5/2011
A History of the Caribbean
University of Northampton in association with NBHA, delivered a 10 week course in The History of the Caribbean.
The module began with an examination of the overall themes of Caribbean History, including a look at the pre-colonial Caribbean.
It continued with a number of sessions on the slave trade and slave resistance and the central role it played in shaping the history and development of the region. The second half of the course looked at Caribbean History in the twentieth century, as the region progressed from colonial rule to independence.
The aim of this course was to develop a broad understanding of Caribbean History, encouraging students to draw on their own personal experiences and opinions as well as on primary and secondary historical sources, literary texts and appropriate visual sources.
Topics covered during the course included:
• European Settlement and the establishment of the Slave Society
• The Slave Trade and Slave Resistence
• The Post Emancipation Caribbean
• Growth of Caribbean Identity and Nationalism
• Caribbean in the era of the Two World Wars
• The Move to Independence
• The Windrush Generation
Feedback included:
"Lecturer delivered the course well he knew his subject inside out."
"Extremely informative course - content was what I expected and more - lots of information."
"Plenty of handouts and material to ensure that you can continue to explore the subject in more detail after the course has finished."
"Would recommend the course to others"
"I look forward to the next Course"

Secret Egypt - Herbert Museum coach trip - Saturday 5/3/2011
Unravelling truth from myth
This brand new blockbusting exhibition allowed visitors to investigate the truth behind some of the most popular myths about ancient Egypt amongst displays that bring together over 200 objects from some of the most important Egyptian collections in the country.
These included an amazing colossus statue from the British Museum, a rare head of Queen Nefertiti from the Ashmolean, crocodile mummies from Bolton Museum.
A coach of NBHA members and supporters from all over the county enjoyed this rare treat.