Discovering your Black Roots - Tuesday 3/2/2004
Acclaimed British author Paul Crooks shared his experience of a 13 year journey to trace his African forebears. This quest took him from north London to the Caribbean, and from there to the Gold Coast of Africa where his story began. ‘Ancestors’, his award winning novel, is based on this amazing story. Attended by over 40 people, Terry Bracher, Local Studies Librarian, also gave tips on how to search for Black roots by looking at a range of websites and resources.
Launch of the Oral History Archive - Saturday 31/1/2004
On Saturday 31 January 2004, the Northamptonshire Black History Project celebrated the official deposit of oral history interviews conducted with members of the county’s Black communities.
The event was launched by Yvonne Brewster, founder of Talawa Theatre Company, Britain’s leading Black theatre company. Yvonne said “I am very flattered to have been invited to launch this exciting event which celebrates the contributions of Northamptonshire’s Black communities and is a unique resource that is part of the bigger picture of the history of Northamptonshire.”
Interviewees, their families and invited guests celebrated this momentous occasion - the first official oral history archive dedicated to the voices of Northamptonshires’ diverse Black communities. You can find out more about the contributions and experiences of these people living in the county by visiting the facilities available at the County Record Office.

Participants look at family history websites Source: Paul Bingham