On Wednesday 10th October 2012, as part of Black History Month, NBHA will be holding a 'What is NBHA?' event.
During this evening we extend to all the opportunity to learn more about the past/current work of NBHA and with an invitation to put forward fresh ideas for the future of the organisation.
The evening will include a presentation developed as a talk for external organisations, as an introduction of the Association, but is hoped will serve as a timely reminder for all within NBHA as to the past and current work undertaken.
There will be displays of past work of NBHA and the committee and members hope to welcome all newcomers interested in joining the Association. We will be particularly delighted to hear from anyone with creative ideas to build on the good work already completed.
Everyone is welcome, so it would really help with planning if you could indicate whether you plan to attend.
RSVP: by Friday 5th October 2012 using the contact form by clicking here.
Time: 7pm
Venue: Doddridge Centre, 109 St James Road, Northampton.

NBHA Management Committee Meeting - Thursday 4/10/2012
The next NBHA Management Committee meeting will take place on Thursday 4th October 2012, 7pm at the Doddridge Centre. Northampton.
Members are invited to attend, but should inform the NHBA office beforehand.
Black British History Course - Monday 24/9/2012
You are invited to join this popular course in the Autumn Term 2012.
The eleven-week course runs at Park Campus, Boughton Green Road, Northampton on Monday evenings from 6.00-8.00 pm, starting with an induction session on 24 September 2012. To apply click here to download more information or contact George Watley direct to request an application form.
Course programme - Autumn Term 2012
University of Northampton, Park Campus (Room: Holdenby 39)
• 24 September Course introduction/enrollment
• 1 October What is Black History? What is British History?
• 8 October India, Africa, the Caribbean and Britain: Making Connections
• 15 October Black British History and Two World Wars
• 22 October The Empire Strikes Back
• 29 October Education History of Black British People
• 5 November Islam in Modern Britain (with Noureddine Miladi)
• 12 November Black History in Archives and Museums, including local Black British History
• 19 November Open Lecture (to be determined)
• 26 November Black British History in Sport, Music and Culture
• 3 December Sharing the Past: Reflections on Black British History
Here are some feedback comments on last year’s course:
‘Black British History relates to everyone’s history especially in the period of multiculturalism’
‘fuelled my need for finding out more about the people we have studied’
‘enjoyed all of the sessions’ ‘demanding but interesting’
‘Relates to my voluntary work in the community’
‘will help me to enlighten my team colleagues’
‘The Black History Association’s enthusiasm and spirit are to be congratulated…a credit to our locality’

Annual General Meeting - Thursday 13/9/2012
Northamptonshire Black History Association held holding its Annual General meeting on Thursday 13th September 2012 , at the Doddridge Centre, 109 St James Road, Northampton, NN5 5LD
There was a good turnout to the meeting, which reviewed the 2011-12 year.
Long standing trustee Morcea Walker was congratulated on receiving her MBE in January 2012 for her to services in the community.
See article in the Northampton Chronicle and Echo.

• Morcea Walker congratulated on being awarded an MBE in January 2012

• Dr George Watley presenting a copy of his PhD thesis to NBHA - Pat Sinclair (Acting Chair)
• Dr George Watley presenting a copy of his PhD thesis to NBHA - Pat Sinclair (Acting Chair)

• Members and guests at the 2012 NBHA Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Northampton Carnival - Saturday 14/7/2012
On Sat 14th July the Northampton Carnival eventually got underway after a postponed date earlier in June due to poor weather conditions.
NBHA were once again delighted to take part in this event and entered a float as well as a walking troupe. The theme for our float, in keeping with the 2012 SUMMER OF CELEBRATIONS, was a celebration of Jamaica's 50 years of Independence.
Thank you to all the community members who joined us on the day, those on the float dressed in the traditional Jamaican plaid costumes and the troupe in the more recognisable colours of red, green and gold.
NBHA was awarded 2nd place in the parade, so again thanks to all our volunteers who helped prepare the float in the Jamaican colours and showcase the Prime Ministers of Jamaica since independence.
• Sir Alexander Bustamante April 1962 – February 1967
• Sir Donald Sangster February 1967 – April 1967
• Hugh Shearer April 1967 – March 1972
• Michael Manley March 1972– November 1980
• Edward Seaga November 1980 – February 1989
• Michael Manley February 1989 – March 1992
• Percival J Patterson March 1992 – March 2006
• Portia Simpson-Miller March 2006 – Sept 2007
• Bruce Golding Sept 2007 – October 2011
• Andrew Holness October 2011 – January 2012
• Portia Simpson-Miller January 2012 –

National Archives Day Trip - Saturday 30/6/2012
NBHA was pleased to announce an upcoming day trip in June.
This will be a good opportunity to Research History, you will have the chance to view Colonial Documents, some relating to plantations in the Caribbean during the slave trade as well as many many more historical documents.
You will be shown how to access records at the archives/online and if you want access to any of the files and documents on the day you will need to fill in some forms, however the forms are not compulsory for those who only want a day out, but you do have to be a registered reader to gain access to online documents. You can start your search on the day providing the paperwork have been completed and the necessary documents brought with you.
The grounds at the National Archives in Kew, London are big enough to relax in, chill out and have your picnic lunch. It is on the other side of the road to a large retail park and a nearby bus stop can take you to Richmond which is only a short bus ride away.
Coach & National Archives Tour - Tickets - Adults £20, Members £15, Under 16
Coach departs Wellingborough at 7.30am / Northampton 8am and returns approximately 7pm.
If you would like to take this opportunity to visit the National Archives or spend the day in London book your place today.
Please contact the office to book tickets or to enquire about membership.